We like to get to know parent(s)/caregiver(s) and provide an interpreter when necessary in doing so. We show them around the school and tell them about our rules. After the first school report, they receive an invitation for a parent meeting. In addition, they meet the mentor during the year.
Parent Council
The EOA and Global College have a Parent Council. We involve parents from the Parent Council in our challenges and educational policies. This is great because we learn a lot from it ourselves.
I really like that it is safe at school. The security guide always asks who I am when I walk into the school, which is nice. We used to live in the Middle East and there there was 1 teacher for 50 students; here the classes have 20 to 25 students and that makes teachers really know my child.
My daughter likes the many opportunities after school, such as playing sports once a week. The extra program after school is there to improve your language with a buddy, which gives you more confidence. I love this school and the support system. My daughter is receiving an excellent education!
Mrs. Marcelina
Mother of Anastasia.