Here you are at the right place, because you can register a student here.
The registration process can only be started when the student is living in (the surroundings of) Eindhoven.
Fill out this form and we will contact you soon for an intake interview.
Parent (s)/ guardian (s) and the student will then come to our school for an intake interview. There we get to know you and show you our school. We also answer all your questions.
Very soon after the intake the new student starts, or the student is told the reason why starting is not possible. When you start, you follow VIK education for about 10 weeks.
Then you continue the appropriate learning route (“starting phase”).
The registration process can only be started when the student is living in (the surroundings of) Eindhoven. You can fill out the application form in the next step. We will contact you soon for an intake meeting.
Useful thing to do: