Foreign-language learners fascinate me. They all want to learn Dutch, are highly motivated and always grateful. I see how well they adapt to Dutch culture. That is not nothing, as many pupils come from countries where something has happened or where they have experienced trauma. I myself am also a trainer of ‘trauma sensitive education’. I understand that certain behaviour can come from somewhere and therefore always enter into the conversation.
Students to be well guided so that they can achieve their educational goals. Individual conversations are important in this respect. Contacts with parent(s)/carer(s) should also be good: I have short lines of communication, for example through our own school app.
I always tell new students, “Really try to make friends here at school, talk about that which is in your heart. You are safe here. Try to achieve your goals and get everything out of yourself that you have and can!”.
Gaby Evers
Teacher NT2, subject group chairperson NT2, mentor and teacher of Dutch and trainer expertise centre Global College Eindhoven